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Cat on Green

Other ways to Donate

Going for a Drive

Sponsor a Freedom Ride

A freedom ride is when we go to pick up a dog or cat from the shelter to pull them into our rescue and take them to their foster home. After they are vetted they will then be listed for adoption. If you would like to sponsor a freedom ride you will use the donation section above and click the $50.00 amount. In the memo line you can put the name of the specific animal that you wish to sponsor. Your $50.00 freedom ride sponsor donation will include a social media post linking your profile or the name of the person that the freedom ride is in honor of. If you or said person does not have a social media profile to link to we shall just state the name on the post. It will also include an emailed donation receipt for your taxes as well as a special downloadable picture of said animal for you to print out as a picture, magnet, or gift. 


**Please note that occasionally there may be more than 1 person that picks the same animal to sponsor. We will honor both donors and the excess monies will go into our account to be used for that animal as well or for another animal in our care**


Sponsor an Adoption Journey Ride

An adoption journey ride is when we take all the animals in our rescue up north to go to their forever homes. This is a 700 mile journey with 1 stop along the way. As you can imagine a lot goes into this trip and the happiness and safety of our animals is always our number 1 priority. If you would like to sponsor an adoption journey ride the cost is $600.00. With this amount you are covering the cost of gas, hotel stay for drivers for 1 evening, boarding at an accredited facility for one evening for the animals, parking and tolls, and any other miscellaneous expenses along the way. With this sponsorship you will receive minimum of 4 social media posts tagging you or your business, An invitation to “ see us off ” when we leave for a group photo (or if you are in Maryland an arrival invitation for a group photo), 2 large car magnets with you or your businesses name on each side of our trailer that you will then receive to use as you wish, A gift basket including a specialty framed picture of the group photo as well as a downloadable version to share with friends, a donation receipt for tax purposes. This is ideal for businesses, community groups, churches, or families. Sponsoring a ride in honor of someone else also makes a wonderful gift to an animal lover for their birthday or Christmas. 


** Please note that we may have someone who is ahead of you in the sponsorship line. If you are wanting to sponsor an adoption journey ride and are concerned about when it would be applied please email: to see about the next ride needing sponsorship. **

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Cat’s Pride®’s Litter for Good™

Cat’s Pride®’s Litter for Good™ program helps shelters like ours find more cats forever homes. Every GREEN JUG™ of Cat’s Pride cat litter you buy donates a pound of litter to animal welfare organizations across the country just like us.

$2  Tuesday

If you would like to send a donation in the form of a check our address is:
90-F Glenda Trace, #460
Newnan, GA 30265


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